Listening to: Theresa Andersson covering Jackson by Lucinda Williams.

It’s a windy and rainy Saturday in the swamp. The orange leaves blaze on trees against the gray sky. Shep is down south visiting his mom. I’m a bit nervous about how I’ll be when he goes away, despite years of being on my own. But after a day or so, I remember what it’s like to be alone, and I start to enjoy it.

So I’m in my Nick & Nora baby blue flannel PJs with dancing red lobsters and yellow sea horses. I have 2 tasks today. The first is to put back together the stereo/speakers after it was used it at our DIY wedding.

The second is to create something for Dia de Bloglandia … a blog event hosted by my dear friend Susanna and an artist I admire, Stephanie. It is a celebration of Dia de los Muertos … a Mexican holiday celebrated on November 2nd.

I got a sneak preview of some AMAZING creations when I went out to dinner with her and Jodi last night. Lucky me!

Installation at The Tomato Factory in Hopewell, NJ, 2006. Artist Unknown.

1 Response to “”

  1. 1 Jamie November 1, 2008 at 11:51 pm

    How beautiful. Thank you for letting me walk with you.

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